2018 |
17, 2018 Yesterday's tournament was the largest so far in SABFC history. 24 anglers came out, enough to give out cash prizes to the top 3 placers. First timer Gibby Garza came out on top with a bag of 4 bass for a total of 46 inches. Robert Rodriguez came in 2nd with the Big Fish of the day, at 19 inches. They were followed up by Ed Gusme in 3rd with an 18 incher. Ray Flores left with a box of tackle for 4th place, at 14.5 inches. The top 5 was rounded out by our first female placer, Venus A. with a 13 incher. After her were the rest: Chacho Lopez - 12.5, Michael Gusme - 12, Myself - 11.5, Tim Fielder - 10, and Carlos Vasquez - 9.5. Check out the complete 2018 results here. Reynaldo Garza was awarded the innaugural Angler of the Year award, and presented with a trophy and a large box of assorted fishing gear. He finsihed the year 3rd in total inches, and tied with me for the most wins. I went with my usual gear, and landed my only fish on a Skinny Senko per usual. |
14, 2018
I will no longer be promoting NPS (National Pro Staff). When I first found the app, I loved it. I got my first few sponsors there, I was building up referral points and earning free stuff, and they even gave me a custom 25% off coupon code that never expires. They said it was to give out to others and use for myself. I don't want to be the guy publicly bashing a company, but they no longer offer the majority of perks that brought me to them in the first place. They don't have any more free stuff (they do, but I don't want any more NPS decals), so the referral points and prize wheel are pointless. I actually used my points to get a Glo Pro Crankbait over a year ago, and they never even sent it out to me, and they acknowledged that they never bothered to send it out, then they refused to refund the points I spent on it. I finally got them back after some arguing, but it doesn't feel like that was even worth it, because there's nothing left to spend those points on. They also failed to notify me that my custom coupon code, that never expires, is now expired. They just stopped that program altogether and didn't bother telling anyone. So when I tried to buy a $50 reel just now at their $80 price, my code was no longer any good. I'm not over paying for gear. I'll just go to Academy or something. Amazon offers better affiliate and sponsorship perks than NPS, and NPS is supposed to be focused on that. They've lost touch with what their original intention was, and I'm choosing to opt out of it for now. NPS did put me into contact with American Tackle Company, but even they have started migrating to their own platform away from NPS. It's a sad time, because the app had a lot of potential and started off great. It does still serve as a good social media platform for fishing, so I will continue posting on there and connecting with other anglers. But as far as applying for sponsors, ordering gear, and promoting the app, I've decided to move on to other projects and places. From the very beginning, it seemed the $20 application fee was too steep, but with the perks they offered and the amount of companies that were on there accepting applications, it cancelled out and was worth it. But all of that is dwindling away. I really hope NPS can bounce back. If they do, I would be more than happy to jump back on board. |
DECEMBER 13, 2018 The last tournament of the year is coming up this Sunday. But we have a cold front rolling in right now that might drastically affect the bite. High speed winds are expected until Monday. This might be one of the toughest tournaments we've had, but as long as SOMEONE catches something, there will be a winner. We've had a lot of people confirm they will be going, so it's looking really good at the moment. I will be there regardless of the weather, and there's a few hardcore regulars that show up Rain or Shine. The key to winning this tournament will basically come down to whoever can actually get something to bite. |
DECEMBER 6, 2018 We have another tournament coming up in 10 days. This one will be at Pletz Park on the Salado Creek Greenway. Hopefully the weather decides to cooperate and the fish become active. I plan to run my usual gear (7' Ultra Light Spinning Combo with a 1/32 ounce jighead and an American Tackle Grub, and 7'3" Medium Spinning Combo with a weightless Texas Rig Skinny Senko), but I'm also going to throw a 7'3" Medium Baitcaster and slowly drag the bottom with a Jig or weighted Finesse worm. This is another park I'm not too familiar with, but I've caught plenty of bass a few miles downstream out of the creek. |
NOVEMBER 26, 2018 Tournament day had a great turnout for a Monday. 14 people came out. But with the cold snap last night, the bite disappeared. The water looked like chocolate milk. So only 2 fish were landed throughout the whole 3 hour tournament. Gregory Carrillo pulled in a 10.5 inch largemouth using a weightless Chompers drop shot worm. And I myself landed an 11 inch LMB for my 3rd win of the year, using a green w/ gold flake skinny senko. I actually had a lot more bites on the American Tackle Grub, but I couldn't get a hookset. Luckily for me, the only bite on the Senko was all I needed. |
13, 2018 Well, if you've been to the main home page, you can see that the website is in the process of being completely revamped. I'm hoping to eventually have everything transfered over to the new format soon, but it's a lot of work. |
NOVEMBER 10, 2018 We have another tournament coming up on Monday, November 26th. Check the facebook group or you emails for details. I've also decided to build another section on the Shop Now page, where you can check out some of the cool river treasure and things I find in some of my videos. If you're interested in anything, I'm not trying to get rich on them, but if you cover shipping costs, they could be yours. Check them out here. |
OCTOBER 2018 |
OCTOBER 23, 2018 The tournament yesterday had a better tournout than I expected, considering the weather and that it was a Monday. Rey Garza came up with his 3rd win of the year, and became the first back-to-back winner we've had. Results have been updated on the SABFC page listed in the menu above. |
OCTOBER 15, 2018 I have come to a decision regarding my TopBuzz channel. For almost a year, I have been uploading all of my videos there in addition to YouTube (usually early, so you could see videos there before they were published on YouTube). But recently, something on that platform has changed. 90% of the time, my uploads fail, and I have to upload again and again until it finally works. Additonally, my views dropped off entirely. I used to actually earn more money on TopBuzz in a video's first day than on YouTube in the same timeframe. But now, my videos don't get a single view. The platform is no longer promoting new videos the way they had been. So, since I am no longer able to upload videos easily, am no longer able to earn money, and am no longer receiving views, I will no longer be using TopBuzz. We also have a tournament coming up next week. Monday, October 22, at 3:00pm |
9, 2018 I recently realized the tournament group has evolved in a different direction that what I had originally imagined. The plan, at first, was for very short tournaments with very quick decisions about the winners, (i.e. whoever catches the first fish). That's where the "Sudden Death" part of the name came from. But, we had more people interested than I thought would be, and the group blew up very quickly. The "sudden death" aspect was left behind for a more organized approach. So, with the first full year of tournament competition drawing closer to an end, I thought I should trim some of the fat and revamp a few things, before it's too late. And on that note, the San Antonio Sudden Death Bank Fishing Tournament Club (SASDBFTC) will now simply be known as San Antonio Bank Fishing Club (SABFC). I am currently in the process of changing all the names over, and updating other things around the web, as well as conceptualizing new logos and possibly some gear. If you want to submit any logo designs for consideration, email them to edmund@cheapangler.us and I will give a free tournament entry to anyone I choose a design from. That means you'll have a chance to compete and win prizes at one of our tournaments without having to pay the entry fee (valued at $10). That's not a bad amount, considering there's so many graphic designers charging $5 per logo. |
1, 2018 Nice turn out for the tournament yesterday. 14 anglers came in, but Reynaldo Garza took his 2nd win of the year. He only had one bass, at 14.25 inches, but it was still 1/4 inch longer than both of mine put together. I ended the day with two fish, one at 7.5 and one at 6.5. We had a few others get on the board, Max Holliday was 3rd with a 9, and Matthew Hay rounded us out with a 7. |
25, 2018 We have another tournament coming up this weekend on the 30th. Hopefully everyone got the email about it. I've been havoing server issues lately because my host for the website decided to shut down my email account without telling me, so I have no idea how long it's been down. I'm currently trying to get it back up, but I don't know how long it will take. |
AUGUST 2018 |
AUGUST 26, 2018 Yesterday went well. Got my second win of the year, with 2 fish totalling 15 inches. Everyone else only had one fish each, so with time running out while sitting in 3rd place, I took a gamble and moved to the opposite end of the tournament's boundary, and managed to land one with less than 10 minutes to spare. The remaining tournament time was spent scrambling to get back to the check-in on time. The gamble paid off as it was just enough to put me over the top by 3 inches. |
2018 Another tournament coming up tomorrow. This one will be in the most unusual location so far, Downtown Riverwalk. I pre-fished it a couple times, and I'm feeling pretty confident. In other news, I have just obtained the domain www.CheapAnglerFishing.com. For the time being, it will redirect to this website, while I'm building myself a new one. I have also decided I will no longer carry American Tackle products on this site. Their inventory is being upgraded and they're discontinuing some items, and it's getting very difficult to keep up with their pace. They will be launching a new website where orders can be made directly through them, and they are still available on National ProStaff. |
JULY 2018 |
JULY 16, 2018 Small turnout for yesterday's tournament, but it was still fun and I consider it a success. We caught more fish than I expected us too. The RESULTS page has been updated. I finished in 2nd place again. I landed 4 fish for a total of 37 inches. One more and I might have won it. The baits I used were my typical go to baits, Skinny Senkos and 3 inch Wake Grubs from American Tackle. |
JULY 14, 2018 Next tournament is tomorrow. This time at the river. I've titled it "DinkFest" becuase I'm not expecting very many fish to be legal keeper size. So far, it looks like there's going to be a decent amount of people coming out. |
JUNE 2018 |
JUNE 26,
2018 The tournament went almost exactly as I expected it to. The Results page has been updated. Check it out. |
24, 2018 Tournament day today. Elmendorf Lake Park. Last year's tournament there was the club's closest tournament to date, with only 1/4 inch seperating 1st through 4th. The bite has been a lot slower this year, and it will probably be a much different story this time around. I've received a few items to review from one of my sponsors, RUNCL, and I really like what they sent me this time. Some new Lip Grippers (perfect timing, my old ones are DONE), and a new and much more improved pair of pliers that I didn't realize I actually needed until I was in a situation where I actually needed them. Check out the SHOP NOW link at the top to see what else RUNCL has to offer. |
9, 2018 Just launched a Patreon account for anyone who might want to help out my channel. https://www.patreon.com/cheapanglerfishing Also have another Tournament scheduled for this month. If you're on the list or in the Facebook group, you should have been notified already. If not, let me know. |
MAY 2018 |
MAY 21, 2018
yesterday and managed to come out on top. I landed 4 bass. Mine were
actually smaller than everyone elses, but I caught the most and won by
7 inches over the next place. Another close one, with 4 people landing
monsters (20+ inches and over 5 lbs). As far as the quality of fish
goes, it was the best tournament so far. We also had a pretty good
turnout even in the pooring rain.
3 of my fish were landed on skinny senkos, while the clinching 11 incher was brought in on an American Tackle Grub. Looking forward to next months tournament! |
MAY 4, 2018 A lot of you may not know this, but I also have a channel on TopBuzz, which I started as a way to test the waters in case YouTube fell through with all their policy changes and the "adpocolypse" a while back. I still use TopBuzz, and most of my videos are released there before YouTube. Kind of like a Sneak Peak before they get seen by the bigger audiences of YouTube. Check it out here. |
APRIL 2018 |
APRIL 16, 2018: I had another top 3 finish yesterday. I caught one bass, 9 1/8 inches long. 1st place was 1 bass, 15 1/2 inches, 2nd place was one bass, 14 1/4 inches. Check out the results here. I threw several baits, and the only one that produced any bites (and landed my only fish) was a 3.5" American Tackle Grub, in the Zander Special color. You can find those in the American Tackle section of the SHOP NOW link at the top of this page. |
APRIL 11, 2018: Tournament this Sunday. Date might change if I have to work late, but right now it looks good. Parks just changed to their summer hours, so we can do more on Sundays. Park closes at 8:00pm, so check in is at 7:00. Start time is 4:30, and I'm coming straight from work. $10 entry. We'll meet inside the entrance closest to the Rigsby bridge over Salado Creek. Bite has been slow there lately, due to weather, but it should be heating up. |
APRIL 10, 2018, Trying to get a tournament scheduled for next week, but April is the busiest month of the year for me. It's going to be short notice, and I still don't know where it will be. I wanted to do it at Salado Creek at Covington Park, but I've been there a few times the past week or so, and the bite is completely dead. So I'm second guessing the location. |
APRIL 8, 2018, Just got in some business cards to hand out everywhere I go. I might hide a few at some popular local fishing spots too. Anything to boost my channel right now. Keep an eye out for Monday's video, I use a swimbait from my sponsor, RUNCL, and do pretty well with it. ![]() |
APRIL 7, 2018: Launching a brand new blog page right here on cheapangler.us where I can let you know about upcoming events and videos, and talk about some of the products I use. Check back for new updates in the future!! |